Jun 24, 2009

Last night I had a little conflict with Adam . Tak tau apa sebab utamanya. At first dia just merengek-rengek je sebab Bumblebee dia cari tak jumpa dlm kotak mainan. I had searched the house and inside both cars tapi masih takde. I thought he'll forget when I gave him another car tapi he kept on saying 'bulbee'. Usually Adam listen to reason..so I explained to him yg probably bulbee kat rumah nenek. We have to wait until daddy come back to go back to nenek. Tapi he kept on insisting nak balik umah nenek amek bulbee sampai menangis. Masa tu I was cooking and boiling soup for his dinner and my bf+lunch+dinner. Then when I nak suap dia his dinner, dia sream and menangis. Since he had only his milk, he has to eat. Petang tu pulak dia makan muffin sket je yg dia amek from my bag. Bila cakap nicely and pujuk pun tak jalan..I raised my voice sket.Lagi le dia menangis kuat. Then..I put him in the bedroom and close the door. Orang maybe cakap kejam kan but I tak mau tampar or cubit selagi boleh so bila dia duk dlm bilik yg gelap tu..at least he know I'm serious about it. Tak sampai pun 3 minit I heard he threw up. Adam bila menangis sngat-sangat memang akan threw up. Habis le lantai dapur dan bilik.. bile dah camtu I bawa dia ke bathroom and stripped him down. Masa tu I explained to him that I did that because I love him so much.I want him to eat so that he'll grow up just fine. Then baru le dia nak makan after I changed his pijamas.Tu pun nak duk atas riba sambil tgk tv and play with his car. Sometimes Adam sangat senang nak handle, when we explain something, dia boleh dengar and terima tapi ada masa sangat susah langsung tak boleh cakap apa. At 9 pm I bawa dia masuk tidur and fervently hoping dia tak dapat nightmare since he cried dari petang. I hugged him and he asked me to kiss his cheek, his nose, his forehead. Before he slept, I explained again why I scolded him and why I put him in the room. Bangun pagi tadi dah ceria semula tapi still asking for his Bumblebee..aduhai.

1 comment:

Hannahadi76 said...

somestimes memang kena buat camtu. memang tak sampai hati but selalunya kaedah ni memang berkesan. bebudak ni memang takut sampai skang kalo akak kata nak kurung dalam bilik. terus dengar cakap.