Sep 11, 2009

Hari ni tiba-tiba teringat tentang Amir Yusuf..terpandang pada Fajar yg lama tak dijengah. I know, everytime I go there, my tears will flow. Before this I tried to understnd the lost, the grieving..before I lost my baby. But yeah, those who never experience it will never know. I remembered feeling empty and lost...feeling hopeless. Sungguh kita sangat kerdil disisi-Nya. But Amir Yusuf was a special his parents and family and for those who followed his short journey. And now...whenever I 'visit' him..I'll think of my baby...walau hanya 3 bulan 'dipinjamkan' kepada I mampu mengukir parut yg tak akan hilang...apatah lagi keluarga Amir Yusuf.. Bersabarlah, Amir Yusuf sedang tersenyum bersama bidadari syurga. Al-Fatihah.

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