Though gambar-gambar ni takde kena mengena dengan cerita in this entry...I post it simply because I miss the little guy.
My head is spinning like the!! Terlalu banyak perkara yg menyesakkan digestive system...(literally speaking la). Masuk minggu ke-3 ditempat baru ni, I'm beginning to get the rhythm, the style and the perception. For me yg selama ni hanya mengajar dan dealing very closely with students, perubahan suasana kerja agak mencabar. Before this, kerja kita memang mengikut schedule yg ditentukan...kelas mana, what subject etc., but now, it's all up to us. Sampaikan masa minggu kedua, I walk around trying to find what I can do to occupy my time. According to the others yg dah lama berada disini, masa sekarang adalah masa yg agak tenang tanpa aktiviti yg banyak...when the busy time comes, nak ke toilet pun tak sempat (kata orang la).So, I try to work out my own plan for my department. Trying to give more for the organisation...English class for beginners, tuition, ceramah, motivational talks, road shows.
Apart from that, life macam biasa. Adam masih di kampung and we miss him a lot. I try to reduce his longing for our presence only to find dia sebenarnya tak kisah pun staying with my parents (kecik hati mommynye). Hubby is busy as ever and I still can't find the time to tidy up the house from all the things since hari pindah dulu. Masih tak sempat nak put all those things yg tak digunakan dalam store. The curtain yg ditempah maybe boleh dapat hari Jumaat ni so we'll have to go to Nilai after work la on Friday. Then, on Saturday..boleh la balik menjenguk our beloved son yg sedang bergumbira di kampung tu.
Study pula...sejak balik dari meeting with Kak Has and Raihan semalam, rasa seram sejuk tak hilang. I missed the first classes since I was on mc so banyak sangat yang nak difahami dan dibuat. Nak cerita pun takut..
My hope is that I'll get through all the hassle just fine and still able to find the time to get proper rest as I need that. Macamana ye? Proper planning? no more procascinate which I love?..hehehe...or get help?
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