Oct 15, 2008

War Refugee and Victim of Cruelty

The topic itself is depressing. It has something to do with my work these days. As I'm working on a paper about our front line readiness after the 9/11 (exact title can't be released..sorry), I come across the book about Communism in the present world but I forgot the author's name. In the book, there are many pictures of war victim from Lenin and Stalin eras. Those pictures are so graphic I could feel the pain the victims were suffering. The photographer was so damn good coz the pictures potrayed the suffering through their eyes.Sadistic!!
Pics of suffering woman, man and children...yg paling tak tahan tengok pic of children yg suffer from malnutrition and hunger..yg kerja as labourer kat 'death camp' and a pic of badly burnt baby.
After looking at it, I can't continue writing...let the image be blurred dulu.
Actually, in todays modern world pun masih lagi ada 'Lenin' dan 'Stalin'. Well, since I can't continue with the book...bukalah Sun Tzu's War & Management. As hubby said..my choice of reading is somehow ecletic...

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