Nov 28, 2008
Jom Bali
Kesabaranku diuji
Oleh kerana hari ni aku takde sesi jadinya bercuti la di rumah. Niat nak kepejabat di cancell just because I think dah lama aku tak spend time dengan anak teruna kitaorang tu. So instead of going to office and sending him to his baby sitter...kitaorang duk la di rumah berdua. As usual pagi-pagi bawa la anak teruna tu beli kuih and mee hon goreng fave dia. Sikit je dia makan..walhal mama dia kata selalunya banyak dia makan...aku fikir maybe la dia minum susu and kenyang lagi. Bila dah masuk jam 1000 pagi dia dah gosok-gosok mata sambil merengek. Which signaled dia mengantuk nak tidur la tu (bangun awal budak nih..kul 6 pagi dah celik mata dah). So aku bawa la dia masuk bilik tapi dia tak juga nak tidur...siap tunggang botol susu dia kat atas tilam. Makanya lencun la comforter dgn susu dia. After tukar semua (cadar, comforter, sarung bantal dan baju dia since lencun dah dgn susu) aku pun tidurkan dia..tapi dari jam 1030 tu macam-macam kerenah dibuatkan...jam 1230 baru tidur. Aku baru je nak mop lantai disebabkan dia makan skang ni dah tak nak bersuap...dia dah bunyi balik. Baru 45 minit tidur dia dah bangun!!! Sabar sabar sabar...
While dia main kat depan aku cepat-cepat masak nasi kat dia and then suap dia makan..nasib banyak juga yg dimakannya. Yang berterabur kat lantai tak yah citer la..penat mop lantai tak habis lagi dah kena mop lagi nampaknya...after dia makan buah betik..dia merengek lagi. So aku bagi la susu and amatlah berharap agar anak aku ni tidur. Coz dia memanglah tak pandai main sorang-sorang kat depan..nak ada yang temankan sepanjang waktu. So keje umah aku hari ni hampeh satu pun tak leh buat. Aku okay lagi la...tapi bila masuk bab dia mengantuk sangat-sangat and bila aku tidurkan dia..sekali lagi dia buat botol susu dia macam botol kicap...aku menjerit sekuat hati aku...memang aku hilang sabar dah....masa tu agak-agak hampir 3 jam la aku tidurkan dia yang tak tidur jugak walaupun mata dah merah coz mengantuk...pastu boleh la selamba dia je tunggang botol susu dia...cadar and kain yg berlambak dlm washing machine tu pun tak settle lagi..dah buat hal lagi.
Sepanjang hari ni memanglah dia merengek je ngan aku walhal if hantar kat rumah pengasuh dia boleh la pulak behave today memanglah mood aku tak okay..habis semua orang kena snap termasuklah hubby. This is when people better not to mess up with me la..habis aku trash kan semua orang!!
Nov 27, 2008
Getting better
Today I have only morning session to complete..means I have afternoon off and finally I get to 'rest' for 5 sangat la rasanya but pity those who have to shoulder the responsibility as Ketua Pengawas and Penolong Ketua Pengawas as they have to turn up EVERY DAY. They will not get a single day off and though they get paid more, I think it's not worth much. Although I have to 'standby' in case of excident, I still could get the 5 days off. Although tak boleh kemana-mana but still, 5 days off is a good news.
Adam is also getting better but we have to see his doctor as I could hear a sound of mucus in his chest..not that the mucus is singing la kan but bila dia breathing, ada dengar bunyi dari lungs dia. So, since aku ni phobia betul dgn hospital (YES I AM), preventing is better than cure is my motto.
Aku pula after 2 days of Panadol in perfect health...hehehe..alhamdulillah. If tak sihat nanti tak buleh la pulanya nak ke wedding SUZIE nanti. Since dah dekat sangat rumahnye ngan rumah ku jadi kami akan memeriahkan lagi hari yang bersejarah tu.
Hari ni juga kawan-kawanku ada yang bertambah 'rezeki' dengan mendapat cahaya mata. Tahniah la untuk Lt Kdr Rozila and hubby dapat baby girl and also my skot Mej Norlin and hubby yang dikurniakan baby boy. Sumanya dah masuk yg the second one dah ni...aku jek yang agak tertinggal sket. Takpe kawa-kawan..I'll catch up with you all soon. With all good news..everything is getting better.Alhamdulillah.
Nov 26, 2008
Bugged by flu
Adam was the first victim of this circulated virus and I was bugged few days afterwards and to 'help' this matter, hubby is outstationed AGAIN..feel like crying (in fact I did when Adam woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to be carried until he fall asleep). Dah la diri sendiri rasa nak bangun pun tak daya..ini anak pula nak berdukung sepanjang malam. Usually I'm not the rajin type yg nak makan ubat...after hours of excuses and convincing barulah nak makan ubatnye..tu pun bila hubby agak-agak dah sampai ketahap nak keluar asap or api dah la tu but since I was alone with Adam and he demanded attention from me..kenalah makan ubat dengan rela hati...dibuatnya aku pun langsung tak boleh bangun..apa cerita kan?
Jaga exam tetap macam biasa walaupun demam...pity the kids la nak concerntrate dgn aku yg asyik sneeze and coughing. Nak buek camano kan..tugas tetap tugas..ampun kan den la yo.
Jam 1945 hubby selamat sampai ke rumah, disambut jeritan dan tangisan manja anak teruna dia...terus la dia tolak mommy nye ini ke tepi. But this time around I really don't mind. Cause aku nih tunggu masa je nak tumbang nih..
But I feel a huge relief for hubby is finally home...malam ni nescaya aku tidur nyenyak..hehehe
Nov 23, 2008
Loosen up
Al-kisah hari minggu
Usually we try to escape the crowd pouring to PD especially during the holiday season. Like pelik tak? Orang beria jek datang bercuti ke PD yet we like nothing better than to go outside PD. Reason is we don't really like crowded places to begin with and then I can't stand 'weird' people hanging around the restaurants or warung.
Unfortunately this week I'm on duty therefore we have to opt the option of staying at home. Since Adam is also still not feeling well though he seems okay than yesterday, we dare not venture into the heat...yup, PD is blazing with heat.
This early morning I got several miss calls from the Officer On Duty( my phone had switched off unoticed last night) and when I returned the call, bad news is car involved with an accident early this morning and out of three, one is in coma and in critical condition. So I rushed to Seremban's hospital and by then he was in the operation theatre for emergency operation. This evening I went to see him again as I was informed he is in the ICU. The news which greeted us is not a positive one. He underwent a 4 hours operation to take out the blood clots in his brain and in a deep coma. The condition is critical!!
I feel pity towards his mom and I don't have the heart to reaveal that his son is critical when she asked me about her son. We asked her to see her son but she refused...I guess I would do the same if I happen to be in her shoes. I'll let the doctor explain her son's condition as I'm not given with 'hati batu' as it says. Please pray for this guy if you're reading this.
Nov 22, 2008
Not feeling well?
Alkisah semalam tokwannya Adam datang ke rumah after mengangkut barang-barang my sis di kolej. Saje nak jalan-jalan di PD nih sambil jenguk anak-anak dan cucu kata dia. My mom tak ikutlah coz hero-hero yang disebelah utara nun nak balik ke rumah. Kesian pula nantinya balik ke rumah takde umat.
Masa Adam diambil dari rumah baby sitternye itu, rasanya happy dia macam biasa dan suhu badan pun rasanya pada tahap normal..I've been watching his temp as 2 hari dah badan dia ada panas sket tapi sekejap-sekejap. Balik je ke rumah dan melihatkan ada tokwan dan makteh nye, dia pun bertukar menjadi Adam yang manja..aduh la...merengek je ngan tokwan dia. Disebabkan cuaca yang panas, dia kena la 'kurung' dlm rumah sampailah jam 6 pm. Tokwan pun bawa lah dia bermain-main kat playground depan my house. Aku nak melayan sangat dia tak boleh la coz nak prepare dinner lagi..Bila malam menjelang mula la dia merengek dan menangis kuat tak ingat...adus..dengan badan sendiri yang kurang sihat dan kurang rehat..dgn anak yang merengek-rengek dan menangis.
Tengahari tadi lepas jalan-jalan kat Teluk Kemang (Nama je duk sini tapi nilah first time jejak kaki kat pantai Teluk Kemang nih), dia merengek just to satisfy my instinct, pegi le melawat Doktor yg selalu kitaorang jumpa..sah le anak teruna kami ni selsema..maybe dia merengek tu coz sakit kepala and sakit badan..hai lah..kesian hero nih..kecik-kecik dah sakit kepala ye..
Nov 19, 2008
My Cheeky Adam
I thought it is easy
WOW!! I don't expect it to be really tiring. Tulah..simply bad judgement from my own point of view..yelah..ingatkan setakat jaga budak-budak ambil exam..apalah nak dipenatkan sangat kan? Nak kata tak pernah berdiri berjam-jam memanglah pernah..tapi this time around after habis je paper and I arrived home..rasa nak terus tidur..huhuhu..kalaulah daku ni 'orang bujang' takpelah buat perangai tidur tak ingat nih..tapi diriku ini isteri dan mommy orang dan 2 orang dlm rumah ni nak juga makan dan having conversation dan nak bermain dan bertukar-tukar idea walaupun diri sendiri ni dah tak de hati dan tenaga untuk perkara-perkara tadi. Nasib la minggu keletihan ni dikurangkan ngan cuaca yg sejuk jek dengan hujan yg turun..kalaulah panas macam hari-hari biasa..agaknya angin 'timur laut' yg semulajadi dlm badan ni selalu la kut 'bertiup kencang'.
Back to the topic, yes..though the work seem really simple but it tire you out. Ingatkan badan sendiri yg tak cukup supplement but when I asked the other, the same answer were given.
And this week jugaklah mendapat lagi satu writing task..huhuhu..badan penat ni rasanya nak gunakan otak untuk berfikir pun malas..last 2 days I asked hubby to rephrase his question coz malas nak fikir apa yg dia tanya I asked him to arrange the sentence in a simple construction dan dia memanglah hairan dan memandang aku with a confused expression..dia yang demam atau mommy yg demam nih?
Haah..aku 'demam' jaga exam SPM 2008. Insyaallah tahun depan tak nak dah.hehehe.
Nov 9, 2008
My Adam is 19 month today.
Treating Teething Pain
The teeth (or tooth) that causes the most pain varies from child to child. Some babies appear to have no teething pain at all. For others, it is sometimes the first tooth that causes the most discomfort -- or those big molars, when they arrive. For many babies, working on several teeth at once is the worst. Try these simple remedies to help soothe a sore mouth:
Rub the gums firmly and gently with a clean finger. The first few passes are sometimes a bit uncomfortable, but babies get more and more relaxed as the massage continues.
Something cool to chew on
Something cool to chew on
Wet washcloths or terrycloth toys fresh from the fridge or freezer can be very effective. Some babies are delighted with smooth, hard objects, like the handle of a hairbrush.
Infant pain-relievers
Infant pain-relievers
Infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen can provide stronger pain relief on occasion, if necessary.
Topical anesthetic gels have mixed results
Topical anesthetic gels have mixed results
Do not routinely use them. They do deaden the pain, but many babies object to the strange sensation of mouth numbness. The medicines can also suppress the normal protective gag reflexes. The relief they give is very short. If you do use them for your baby, a little bit often works better than a lot.
(thanks to
Adam is teething again and though his front teeth are basically dah tumbuh semua (down and upper), dia nye geraham baru ada dua and another one is on the way. I think it's rather painful and cause him discomfort since he is so fussy this week. I give him Infant acetaminophen and the topical anesthetic gels...and a lot of hug and kisses kat pipi dia(kat area nak tumbuh gigi).I think the hug and kisses work better than the pain reliever as he usually stop crying after I hug him.Hmm...
Last Friday after work i went back to Taiping by komuter-lrt-bus.Since hubby ada seminar seminggu di Lumut jadinya I baliklah naik bus.Takkan nk drive kan..membazir la pula dua kereta bergerak at one time. Since yesterday night we have jamuan Deeparaya (although Raya dah habis musim dah) we have to rush back to PD to make it to the jamuan. My sis ikut balik sekali and after hantar dia ke Kolej, terus la rush balik rumah. Sampai pun dah about to maghrib and after mandi+solat+bersiap, the three of us rush again to make it on time to the jamuan. Seriously, I feel so tired.With the beginning of headache (walaupun dah telan 2 biji actifast) and Adam pula semalam tak tidur masa dlm kereta jadinya mengantuk and tired la dia. Apalagi..peduli apa dia dgn protokol..exercise his lungs with his scream la. Walapun malam but the heat masih lagi terasa..and Adam ni memanglah tak tahan dgn panas (I masa mengandungkan dia tengah winter jadinya ada effect pada dia ke?hahaha)Anyway about 10 pm masa tengah makan2 dia memang dah tahan letih agaknya so I decided it was time to go back. Majlis tak habis lagi tapi I had to leave early...nak buat camane..We all just arrived from Taiping and had to rush so my 1 year old son is too young to understand that Mommy is obliged to wait for the Boss to leave first..nak buat camane kan..have to lah.
Nov 6, 2008
End of year is coming soon and the 'in' season is the famous BAT D11 which in layman word is the 'Borang Penilaian Prestasi'. Now is the time when a Boss really become a Boss..hehehe. Since he or she has the final say about the mark which you'll get according to her or his asessment, it's okay if you're being diagreeable or lousy when doing your work because definitely you're not going to get a good mark!!
Nov 5, 2008
Any suggestion?
My senior is going to pursue his master degree at Melbourne Uni. He's going this Jan and in need of accomodation. Anyone have any suggestion??He's bringing along his wife and three grown up kids and he's Indian.Please tell me if you have anything kay.
Wedding Invitation
Thanks to Suzie for her thought to invite us though we never meet. Insyaallah we'll try to make it as her parents' house is just around the junction..hehehe..well..just nearby my house.
Where do I stand
I become a
of my own principle
My mind is
in thought
that continue to haunt
I become a
of my own principle
My trust is
beyond repair or sympathy
with the blood of life
I become a
of my own principle.
Nov 4, 2008
Bleak Tuesday
Ahh well...I was so motivated to go to work early this morning but when I entered the main gate I feel so down and an evening when there is no sunshine under the gray fat have to come to PD to see this cause I get to see this often when I went to the beach to take sunset pic and damn..another super gray cloudy evening!!
That's beside the point but I think it's because every morning except last and this week, I have my lil Adam who wave and give me a smacky wet kiss on my cheek. His flying kiss and his sweet smile waving at me every morning as I said goodbye. I miss my son so much and it didn't help by not having hubby at home too. Yup..the two significant others (notice the -s) in my life and definitely I can't live without them no matter how serabut they make me feel whenever I'm sitting in front of the computer pecking away my datelines.
I want my guys back at home...wrecking my perfect empty life so that I could be a happy mess.
Nov 3, 2008
Home Alone
Hubby is at Lumut already. He went out early this morning and safely arrived at 7 am. And I am alone at home for the rest of the week. I am on leave today and after a week out of office, i feel real excited to go back to work tomorrow..hahahaaha..
Seriously this will be the most hectic week and I'll be working till night. This is the final week before my students plunge themselves into the hole of agony..shesh..SPM does this to me I guess. And since I am a truly eligible confirmed teacher ( I was a lecturer during my stint at Lumut) who teaches school boys..I do have to do my part of being the invigilator for SPM. I am dreading this since I have to dig out my Baju Kurungs, my decent blouses and trousers (I was advised by a friend to dressed decently if I'm to wear a blouse) and my non-too-sexy-shoes. Well..I do dress decently right? If not the most fashionable?? She said most of my blouses are rather 'delicate' to be worn at school..hmm..and high strappy heel shoes is definitely a no go. Well then..since I wear uniform to work..err..I mean to school so the matter of digging out my formal clothes are nightmare to me!! Camane le cikgi2 nih decide what to wear for 5 days a week? Tedious tedious tedious...
So what do I do with my time alone? Other than ironing my uniforms and folding; to quote my blogger friend LG a mountanuos 'bukit jadian'? Yeap..keeping up with my reading of course!! And talking and smsing with hubby...distracting him from the safety and hazard seminar (something like that la) that he has to attend (reluctantly I dare say..hahaha).
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