Been awhile since the last post. However, I do keep my FB updated. Just to find the mood to write is a bit hard. Owh, I could ramble and babble bout few things but my mind seem to be blocked (another case of block-a-blog-syndrome due to excessive consumption of Raya delicacies). I'm in my last straw of Raya holiday (sadly it does not last forever) and after few consideration, alteration, cancellation..we are still at my parents' house. I spent 2 days of Hari Raya with husband and In Laws. Of course touring all (maybe not all..just an exaggeration from my part..haha) relatives from hubby's side. Then, we drove back to Taiping for a short break before we continued the journey to Kedah. We spent 2 days at Alor Setar and although I still didn't get the chance to eat the so sedap bihun sup at Hutan Kampung nor Laksa Teluk Kechai, we got to eat the most fab BBQ. Of course, been kipased by hubby but marinated by Makcik Nurul, it were from our own dapur la kan. But we (hubby and I collaborated) cooked pasta and spag bol for breakfast hokay...and superbly licked and finished in a record time (kan kan kan hubby?).
The remaining days are spent at Taiping...lazying and recuperating (hubby demam so we HAVE TO cancell the sooo awaited trips..hukhukhuk). Takpe, as I said to hubby, the happiness of holidaying is not that much compared to the happiness of seeing him back to good health. We could still go next time he comes back for holiday (April nun..hehe)..and he could give the money intended for the holidaying to me to use (HAHAHA). Taiping is as usual..raining here and there so the laziness is soooo engulfing me (malas nak back to work).
Raya pictures are still in my Nikon and still rasa lazyyyyzzzzzz to upload. I'll just share few pics from my sisters hp la ye. And since dari HP maka quality agak malap sket (Sorry Awa..hehehe).
Maybe not too late for me and family to wish all muslims, family and friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. We ask for forgiveness for any wrong doing and any mistake we intentionally and unintentionally made. May your forgiveness will be rewarded by Allah Subhanahu Wataala.